This is Gator. A 35 ft Nightwind. Dave ()standing) has been a racer a very long time and wins a whole lot too!

This is Romanus II and skipper John is at the helm. This is a 30 catal

This is Malcolm on the Committee Boat. start the race and call the finishes computing time and the handicap.

This is John he is also on the Committee Boat. Holding flags and calling starts and finishes. Bill our skipper is not shown, but neither am I.

The two boats cross the star line with Gator in the lead.

Gator approaches the finish line for 1st place.

The crew on Gator as they are about to finish.

Romanus II approaching the finish Line.

The crew on Romanus II about to finish.

The post behind the boat is a marker for the channel and between me and it is exactly the finish line. Romanus II 2nd place!