Outside the Fort is extensive grounds. This marina is on the James River.

The fort itself is the largest stone fort in the USA. The officer in charge was Lt Robert E Lee. There is a moat surrounding it and there are two vehicle access bridges and this pedestrian bridge that was added. There were no shots fired upon the fort at any time in history.

From the west side of the property looking up stream to Newport News, Virginia. The rocks in the foreground surround the north entrance to the tunnelĀ under the James River to Virginia Beach.

Old Point Comfort Light Marks the way from the James rive to the exit of the Chesapeake Bay

Looking toward the east gate. The tower on the top was added in the 20th century and was used for artiliary testing as they shot across the Chesapeake Bay. It has fallen in disrepair and looks pretty shoddy.

The bridge to the east gate

Large artillery could be rotated. The guns are gone now.

Old Point Comfort Light on the James looking from the top of the south wall as a cargo ship heads to the Elizabeth River.

Quarters inside the Fort

The bridge to the west gate.

From the pedestrian access.

Officers residence outside the fort.

Officers residence outside the fort.